Keyboarding Progress

At first, I was an alright typer and had experience from playing games on the computer so I was good at knowing the keys and where things were. My accuracy was pretty good and my speed was pretty good. One bad habit I had was that I would always use caps lock instead of shift […]

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Keyboarding Dangers

When it comes to keyboarding there is a lot more too it then I thought. There is plenty of hazards for your health when it comes to keyboarding and if you aren’t careful it could lead to health issues that last your whole life if you are unaware of these hazards. 1.The ChairYour office chair or […]

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W3 Schools

W3schools is a very useful and educational website. It is a website about coding using languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, jQuery, Java, W3.CSS, and Bootstrap. It focuses on simplicity and uses simple code explanations with simple illustrations of how to use it. I really like using W3schools because it is very straight forward […]

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