Keyboarding Dangers

When it comes to keyboarding there is a lot more too it then I thought. There is plenty of hazards for your health when it comes to keyboarding and if you aren’t careful it could lead to health issues that last your whole life if you are unaware of these hazards.

1.The Chair
Your office chair or whatever chair you are using has a big effect on your keyboarding and health a bad chair can lead to back and neck painaffected blood circulationdecreased concentrationincreased risk of diabetes and heart-related diseases. The solution to this problem is simple, get a better chair. A good chair has good cushioning, lumbar support, upper back support, neck support, and armrests.  The most important thing when it comes to a good chair is comfort.


2. Computer Vision SyndromeCVS is the name given to the temporary problems caused by the eyes trying to focus during long periods of close up work. Glancing down at notes and back up then the computer screen over and over again can bring out a lot of CVS discomfort in people. The solution to this problem is as easy as looking away from the computer for a few seconds every half an hour or so. In some cases, doctors recommend corrective lenses to make your work pain free and easy on your eyes. 


3. Posture
Along with a good chair, the way you sit in the chair is equally important. To avoid back pain and neck pain, avoid slouching and keep your spine neutral. Keep your feet planted firmly on the floor and if necessary use a footstool. As far as arm and hand positioning awkward hand movements can lead to muscle strain and damage, so you must keep your hands and arms over the keyboard Your forearms should be level with your keyboard and your elbows supported and resting comfortably at your side while you type. Make sure your keyboard is potioned in a way that allows you to do so. Also, it’s important too keep the backs of your hands parallel to the keyboard to prevent wrist strain.


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