
Today I’m going to be talking about one of my favorite video games right now called Rust. Rust is a multiplayer-only survival game, meaning that essentially you join a server and there’s a big map with different abandoned monuments and such and you spawn in as a “naked” (a naked is a person who has just spawned in and has no clothes or anything so they are naked with just a rock and a torch) after you spawn in you use your rock to break down trees to collect wood and mine stone to collect stone. With this stone and wood you can create tools and most importantly you will build a base. You can upgrade your base to better levels with better materials to


protect your base better. There’s plenty of different base designs people have created each trying to defend the base the best way possible. The reason for defending your base is preventing you from being raided. Being raided is when other players use different tools and techniques to break through your walls or doors to get in your base take all your “loot” and take over your base. Being raided is the most devastating thing that can happen to you in rust. But raiding isnt easy it takes hours to get prepared to raid someone and gather all the materials you need to make explosives to get in someone’s base. There are many different types of raids, some as simple as using a spear to break through a wooden wall. In Rust, there are 3 levels of gear/progress, level 1 is the most primitive level using thing like bows and spears.


Level 2 you have gear like metal pickaxes and level 2 rifles and guns. Level 3 is the highest level and that has gear like assault rifles and the best weapons and items in the game. I usually only get to about level 2 gear. The way rust works are that your play on a server and the server will wipe usually once every week or for example every Thursday. When the server wipes there is a new map and everyone starts from scratch again. The day the server wipes are called “wipe day” and usually is when the servers are the most populated and action-packed where the playing field is balanced and everyone has similar level gear. the reason I like rust is that you never know what’s going to happen next. You can plan for something and something completely opposite can happen. Some of the most fun in rust is running around finding random people and talking to them. Rust is a lively game where you never know what will happen. I recommend it to anyone and to anyone who plays, my one piece of advice is to trust nobody.


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