
Today I’m going to be talking about Destiny, Destiny 1 to be exact .Destiny is an online-only first person multiplayer shooter. Players take on the role of “guardians”. Guardians protect Earths last safe city as they wield a power called light to protect the city from different alien races. Destiny came out worldwide on September 9th 2014. I got the game sometime in September 2014 and played all the way up until they stopped updating the game on xbox 360. Destiny is one of my favourite games of all time. In destiny you create a character, there are 3 character types, Titan, Hunter and Warlock each with different abilities and gear. I’m not going to try and explain the game and how it works because theres a lot to learn about it but I will explain my favourite parts of the game and why I loved it. I loved Destiny because you would usually play in a fire team of either 3 or 6 players. You could do missions, quests, strikes and more. There was 2 types of gameplay, PVP(player vs play) and PVE(player vs environment). I liked doing both and was pretty good at both. But anyways you could do all those activities with friends and earn gear and get loot drops and rarely you would get a crazy look drop and get really happy and excited that you got that rare piece of armour or gun that everyone wants and the feeling of that was priceless. The hardest activity in the game was the “Raid”. There were multiple raids in Destiny. A raid is a 6 person cooperative mission that is very difficult and complex, requiring communication and high-level abilities and gear. In order to do a raid you need 6 people and there is no matchmaking so you need to find a group on your own. There is a website called Destiny LFG which is a website where people post about and invite players to join their raid. The reason I’m talking about this is because that is where you find people who you play with. I had a couple people I met on destiny who i would play with sometimes but i know of people who have met really good friends on destiny and that is awesome and that really shows how great the community was.

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 In conclusion Destiny 1 was an awesome game that I loved to play with friends, and to anybody who didn’t play, i am sorry and you truly missed out on, in my opinion, one of the best gaming experiences of all time. I know this blog didn’t really make sense and was kinda all over the place but there is just so much to talk about and so much I remembered about the game while writing this blog that It would takes hours to cover it all.

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