Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. Set in the same universe as Titanfall, the game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 4, 2019. One week after its release, it had over 25 million downloads and over 2 million concurrent players. I like this game because it’s different than most other battle royale games. In Apex Legends there are 8 “legends” at the beginning of each game you get to choose a legend to play as. You have 2 other teammates so you are in a squad of three and each of you have a different legend. Each legend has different abilities. Some are have offensive abilities and some have defensive abilities. For example the “lifeline” legend can revive teammates faster and use a “healing drone” to heal teammates with low health. I like to use the “Wraith” legend. I like to use Wraith because it is offensive and I like the playstyle that you use with wraith. I also think one of their abilities where you can essentially go invisible for a couple seconds is very useful. Playing this game with friends is a lot of fun because you each choose a different legend and use teamwork and coordinate and use your abilities to dominate opponents. The game takes thought and tactics to defeat your opponents. I also like this game because it has a really cool map that has tons of cool spots to land in and there’s some cliffs you can climb you way up on and it’s fun to find new spots to go to. Apex legends is essentially a Titanfall battle royale, it takes place in the titanfall universe and is made by the titanfall developers. I like this because the game feels like a mix of Halo and Titanfall. I used to play a lot of Halo and I also used to play Titanfall. I hope they keep adding to this game and it improves because I think it is a lot of fun to play and enjoy playing it.

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The only map in the game so far: Kings Canyon ^

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